Our Story.

In 2014, amidst the bustling streets of The Bronx, destiny quietly began weaving a love story that would soon capture the hearts of everyone it touched. It was a fateful day when Mikeisha embarked on a recruiting visit to Manhattan College, unaware that her life was about to change forever.

Connor, a fellow student at the college, had the privilege of meeting Mikeisha during her visit. Although time has a peculiar way of playing tricks on our memories, it seems that Mikeisha didn't quite recall that initial meeting with Connor. However, there was something unforgettable about Connor himself—his pink Power Ranger costume. Luckily, Connor was not deterred by the lapse in memory. Instead, he was intrigued by this captivating young woman, and he was determined to make an impression.

It was a stroke of luck when an old high school classmate of Mikeisha's, who also attended Manhattan College, offered some sage advice to Connor: "She went to my high school, everyone there loved her. I hope she goes here." Those simple words were enough to kindle the spark of interest within Connor's heart, but he chose to bide his time and make no hasty moves. Little did he know that fate had a grander plan in store, one that would soon bring them together again.

A year later, Connor found himself crutching his way into the O'Malley Library, his infectious humor and wit lighting up the room. In the company of Mikeisha and their teammates, Connor began to forge a connection that would change their lives. Mikeisha couldn't help but think, "He's kinda funny; we're going to be great friends."

As they spent countless late nights immersed in the world of books and academia within the library's hallowed halls, Connor, ever the schemer, hatched a plan. With determination and a touch of charm, he persuaded Mikeisha to agree to a date at the National History Museum.

And from that moment, the pages of their love story turned, as they embarked on a journey filled with laughter, shared dreams, and endless love. With every step they took, their bond grew more robust, and their hearts became intertwined in a love story that transcends time.

Their love is a testament to the power of fate and destiny, proving that sometimes, the most beautiful love stories are written in the most unexpected places. As they stand before their loved ones, ready to embark on a new chapter of their journey together, they can proudly say,

The rest is history.